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Ethereum DEFIER

We collected and reconstructed 42 real-world Dapp attack incidents, consisting of 126 semantic-similar transaction clusters with 58,555 transactions. We manually annotated them and performed a measurement study on our paper Evil Under the Sun: Understanding and Discovering Attacks on Ethereum Decentralized Applications.


eventvarcharthe reported event name
HashKeyvarcharthe hash address of transaction
controlUserAddressvarcharthe user who initiated the transaction
gameNamevarcharthe name of the game involved
gameAddressvarcharthe address of the game involved
txDateDatetimethe time of transaction
txMethodvarcharthe name of the function called
smartContractAddressvarcharthe first contract address called
smartContractNamevarcharthe first contract name called
groupvarcharthe related attacking group name
stagevarcharthe related attack stage


title={Evil Under the Sun: Understanding and Discovering Attacks on Ethereum Decentralized Applications},
author={Su, Liya and Shen, Xinyue and Du, Xiangyu and Liao, Xiaojing and Wang, XiaoFeng and Xing, Luyi and Liu, Baoxu},
booktitle={30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21)},
year={2021} }